Central Intelligence Agency |
The MI6 and CIA were busy arming the UNITA regime with anti-personnel landmines. The huge UK arms industry was at stake. For the British & CIA, this war was not only profitable for their arms industry; but also a war which provided West with cheap oil. Princess Diana's anti landmine campaign had gained worldwide praise & was about to derail a large portion of economical profits being earned by the West. A safe profit making haven was being threatened by her. The losses were huge & critical considering the fact that same amount was needed to be pumped in for CIA weapons and research later on.
The CIA, NSA & DIA are believed to track Diana's every movement & conversations on her frequent visits to America. Virtually, every aspect of her troubled life was monitored. It would later be admitted by the intelligence agencies, primarily the CIA, that they hold over 1,000 pages of dossier on Princess Diana. All these documents are till date classified as top secret citing national security reasons.
Amidst all this, Diana was now being seen as a potential target, but still not an alarming one.
With the scenes on the world canvas changing very fast, it was obvious to attract Israel's attention. Diana was soon planning a visit on the Palestinian soil. "An image of Princess Diana holding a Palestinian boy just wounded by the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces)" was the last thing Israel wanted to see. Now, the world's most feared secret agency, Mossad too had her on the watchlist. This will go onto play a pivotal role in her journey to death.